Welcome to the PE Department
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3, we aim to offer a broad range of activities in the Physical Education Curriculum to enable pupils to gain a wide range of experiences. Pupils have the opportunity to work on acquiring and developing skills and understanding in a variety of activities. In years 7 to 9, the following activities are taught:
Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Dance, Tennis, Football, Health Related Exercise, Netball, Rounders and Tag Rugby​
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4, the following activities are taught:
Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Health Related Exercise, Netball, Rounders
BTEC First Level 1/2 Award in Sport
The BTEC First Level 1/2 Award in Sport qualification is one of the most popular BTEC courses. It is a vocational qualification that is equivalent to one GCSE (A* - C) and will help you prepare for a huge range of different careers for example a pharmacist, doctor, sports performer, coach, personal trainer, outdoor education professional and sports scientist.
In your BTEC First in Sport lessons you will be studying a wide range of units which all relate to sport. The units you will cover over the two years are:
Unit 1 – Fitness for Sport and Exercise
Unit 2 – Practical Sports Performance
Unit 5 – Training for Personal Fitness
Unit 6 – Leading Sports Activities
All of these specialist units that you will study are designed to help you gain a better understanding of the body, the mind, diet, practical skills, fitness and training methods.
So how will I learn?
Expect to be ‘hands-on’. BTEC Firsts are practical and focus on the skills and knowledge needed in the workplace. You will learn new things, and learn how to apply your knowledge. You will be expected to take responsibility for your own learning and be keen and well-organised. You should enjoy having more freedom, while knowing you can still ask for help or support if you need it.
How will I be assessed?
You will be completing your qualification over two years. You will be assessed by taking a test and by completing assignments. Each form of assessment is designed to link to specific and. At the end of the course, your grades from your assignments and exam are put together to determine your overall grade. It is important you understands that to be successful on this course you must do well in both types of assessment.
The BTEC First in Sport qualification offers natural progression for you along a vocational path, from and to academic qualifications and university. On successful completion of the BTEC First Level 1/2 Award in Sport you will have the opportunity to progress onto the BTEC Level 3 course, equivalent to 1 A-Level. Both of these qualifications are recognised by colleges, universities, employers and professional bodies across the UK and over 100 countries worldwide.
This course will also allow you to develop a number of skills, including:
Personal, learning and thinking skills
Mathematics and English skills
Proofreading and document-production skills
For more information please see the Head of PE Mrs Conroy.
Extra-Curricular Activities
We offer a wide range of activities which take place on each day 2.50- 4pm. Please see the PE extra curricular time table link.​
​Sixth Form Activities
Sixth form students are encouraged to attend the extra curricular activities that are open to all years. Friday Period 2 the fitness suite is open to all sixth form girls.