​Uniform Code
In addition:
A sensible bag for books and equipment is essential
Pens, pencils, coloured pencils, felt tips, glue pen
Apron for Technology / Art & Design
All types of schoolwear and equipment must be clearly marked with the student's name, as this makes the return of lost property more likely.
Please Note: No jewellery other than one pair of small stud earrings and a watch. Make-up and piercings are not permitted.
In cases of financial hardship, clothing vouchers are available.
Parents should apply to the school - tel: 01274 492341
Post 16 Dress Code Details
Dress code:
Plain ‘business style' trousers (black, brown, cream or grey).
A suitable business-style top in similar colours.
If you cover your head, a plain head scarf can be worn.
Dark low-heeled or flat shoes which must have a back
and sides. Trainers are acceptable but must be plain black in colour.
Outdoor coats, jackets, shawls and hoodies may be worn to and from school but not worn in, and around, the school buildings.
N.B. Denim material of any colour or garment is not allowed.
Students not in the correct dress code may be sent home to change.
​Uniform Details​
* Plain white school shirt; community logo is optional.
*Plain 'school style' black tunic or skirt (may be be worn with
black trousers).
* Red school sleeveless jumper (Year 7 and 8).
* Black school sleeveless jumper (Years 9, 10 and 11).
* If you cover your head, a plain black scarf can be worn.
* Black low-heeled or flat shoes which must have a back
and sides.
* Games / PE
Blue BVGS polo shirt
Navy blue tracksuit bottoms (shorts are optional)
Fully laced trainers (no pumps)
BVGS sweatshirt
Headscarf for PE (if worn) must be a BVGA scarf from the
uniform shops