A language is a USP (unique selling point).
Being successful at another language shows good communication skills and shows employers you are willing to learn new skills and welcome a challenge.
A language allows entry to the international marketplace.
A language gives you a competitive edge over an opponent.
It’s an unusual qualification that employers respect.
“No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive” Ghandi
“The limits of my language are the limits of my universe” Ludwig Wittgenstein
Welcome to the MFL Faculty
We are a team of 8 teachers and one faculty assistant. Each year we employ a native Spanish and a native French speaker to help pupils with their oral work. We also employ a native Chinese teacher. We enter a large percentage of pupils for GCSE and offer other qualifications in KS4 as appropriate.
Meet the Faculty
Head of Faculty Miss Walker - Spanish and French
Second in Charge of Faculty Mrs Hlabangana – French
Mr Pandor - Urdu
Mrs Wilde - Spanish and French
Miss Armitage - French
Miss Maskin - Arabic and French
Assistant Headteacher Mrs Wilkins – French and Italian
KS3 – when pupils come into KS3 they have the opportunity to sit a test in all languages; Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish and Urdu and they are placed in the appropriate language group. In year 8 some pupils will study a second language into year 9.
Pupils also have a rotating programme of Mandarin taught by a native speaker.
KS4 pupils will continue to study their first language to GCSE and can choose their second language as an option.
We offer Arabic, French, Spanish and Urdu at KS5.
Useful websites
www.linguascope.com – get the logon details from your teacher