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Welcome to the Art Department.


Art is taught at all Key Stages from Year 7 to Year 13 and offers a range of styles, skills and materials that encourage and support basic and more creative artistic and design skills. 


We encourage individual learning where students come to the department in their free time to explore and create with a variety of materials.

In our Key Stage 3 Art course, we cover a wide range of 2-D and 3-D techniques and materials from drawing to clay work, from painting to printing through to wire modeling, ICT and photography. 

Key Stage 3 prepares students with a broad foundation of elements offered in later Key Stages. 


We offer a programme of skills based learning that prepares them for more formal assessments in later school where we and the exam boards expect students to apply their skills and theory to high standards.

At GCSE level we offer Art & Design, Fine Art, Art Textiles and Graphic Art each of which is considered in context, incorporating the art work of different cultures as well as that of respected, established artists.


Level 2 Art & Design

Unit 14 - Photography Briefs

In this unit of the BTEC Art & Design the girls work towards completing evidence to cover the following Learning aims.

LA1 – Choosing 2 historic photographers and 2 contemporary photographers, the girls must research their lives, what made them decided upon photography as a career and what inspires/inspired their most famous images.

LA2 – Choosing a range of equipment and processes, students must experiment with a minimum of 4 different techniques to produce a varied range of images.

LA3 – Choosing 2 primary sources and 2 secondary sources, the students now move on to developing their skills to produce images in response to design briefs they have been set.

LA4 – Finally the students are set a brief for which they must produce one or more images. They should make use any of the knowledge, equipment, processes and techniques they have experienced during LA1-3 to ensure that they meet it successfully.

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