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Health and Social Care courses help students​​​​​​​​​​ develop their knowledge and understanding of the health and social care sector.
Over two million people are employed within the health and social care sectors and students are able to develop skills, knowledge and understanding directly relevant to employment and so enhance employability. Work areas covered by health and social care are extremely varied – anything from nursing, pharmacy work, speech therapy to childcare, social work and counselling. The job roles can include working in hospitals, nurseries, residential homes, day centres, advice centres and in people’s homes.

Welcome to Health and Social Care

​​​​​​​​​​We offer three levels of courses – Level 1, 2 and 3.


Students study a range of units designed to promote their knowledge and understanding of the sectors whilst developing the necessary skills for employment.

These valuable skills are developed through our well established work experience programme. We use a range of settings, including early years and working with adults, through our strong links with local employers.

Take the Christmas revision challenge and test your knowledge!

© 2012 BVGS All rights are reserved.                  Belle Vue Girls' Academy. Thorn Lane. Bradford. BD9 6NA             01274 492341

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